For Parents!

I will be posting a schedule of lessons we will be going over, along with a calendar. This will allow you to stay on track with us and what we are doing in class. I will have assignments and due dates on there as well so you can make sure your child is doing their homework. I will also make sure they are writing all assignments down in their planner that I will provide. If you could please sign it EVERY NIGHT so I can make sure you have seen it. Also, I will make sure I provide dates for any projects and field trips on the calendar as soon as I know of set dates! That way nothing sneaks up on you :)  I am also going to be sending home information about parent volunteers. I am hoping to have as much parent contact in the classroom as possible this year because I believe it makes a huge difference with the kids! If you would like to volunteer at all please just send me your information. You could simply comment on here or send a note in with your child, either way is great!

I am looking forward to working with your children this year (and hopefully some of you)!

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